Friday, April 16, 2010

Preparing to go!

I was told that a good portion of the feedback received about previous blogs (not mine) were questions such as: "What did it feel like?", "What were your fears?", " How did you prepare?"
So I will detail a few of my thoughts before departing tomorrow.

I received an email about the April 17th trip, on about the same day I had given notice to leave my previous nursing job at FMC. It just clicked in my mind... "I want to go to Haiti." It was perfect timing to be temporarily unemployed with the world and all of its possibilities before me... I signed up the same day!

I have had a long interest in working internationally as a nurse, and this was a good opportunity to realize that dream. I have traveled widely and have been to about 35 countries, so I felt comfortable about stepping into the unknown. I have learned through countless travels, that the majority of the people of the world, are good, friendly and helpful. I did not worry that the people of Haiti would be any different.

Actually, my biggest fear is... the constant heat and humidity! I hate high humidity, but I will deal with it, I chose to go... so I won't whine.

My last feeling that I cover here, has been my interest in learning and practicing medicine that is low technology and yet, requires critical thinking and innovation to give care. Much of the world has little of the high technology that we use to practice medicine in the US. Many people are suffering in Haiti tonight without a Tylenol to ease their pain, or even safe water to drink.

Bob Parker, RN

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