Saturday, February 27, 2010

Back in Miami!


We all made it back to Miami safe and sound! The Haitian airport was a trip in and of it self though! It took us almost seven hours to get from our camp, through the airport, and back to Miami... it's less than a two hour flight!

There was a single line for departures and only two security screening stations as you enter the airport. Imagine over 140 people all shuffling along. Then add the Haitian "VIP's" just walking up to the front of the line and being allowed to slip in.

Once through the initial security checkpoint, yet another line to process through customs, then another line for a second security checkpoint which included metal detector, hand pat-down, luggage x-ray, and the occasional bag search. Then it was a walk right out to the tarmac!

Yes, we were literally having planes pull up within 30 feet of us! Talk about noise!

It is now Sunday morning and our group is slowly beginning to trickle back to Phoenix, then on to their homes. Some left at 6:00am, others will depart throughout the day, with the last of us arriving in Phoenix at 8:00pm this evening.

This was an incredible week. The Haitian people, the work, the conditions... every one of us has been impacted! The need is so great that it is overwhelming. Stay tuned... more pictures and posts coming soon!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Haiti Update...

It is 1:30am on Thursday, local time...

To say that these past few days have been an experience, is to utterly understate the idea! There is so much that needs to be done, yet we have very limited resources. We are trying to do what can be done with what we have.

Everyone on our team has gone above and beyond... Dr. Jeff Daniels has assumed the role of Chief Medical Officer for the entire camp, the other Physicians have pulled together and helped organize systems and supplies (while still providing the care they came to provide), the Nurse Practitioners, the Nurses are working outside of their "comfort" zones in areas they normally do not, the Respiratory Therapist (great job on the "battle-field CPAP!"), the Social workers, Jarret and Dr. Reber! Kudos to each and every one of you! From what I have seen and heard, words can not even begin to describe the experiences each and every one of us has had!

Since we have had limited internet access, we are planning on uploading as many pictures as possible when we get back. It will start on Saturday/Sunday when we return to Miami. It will continue for a few days as we try to consolidate as many pictures as possible. Some of our team will begin to blog when they get back to tell their stories and express their feelings.

We wish to thank everyone that has supported this effort... family, friends, co-workers, employers... By supporting us and allowing us to be here, you have contributed to this effort as well! So we thank you, and there are quite a few Haitians that would thank you as well, if they could!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Greetings from Haiti!

Well, we made it! It has been very busy for everyone.

Internet access is very limited, so I do not know if we will be able to post much or any pictures till we get back. Hope to get better internet access soon.

Have experienced a few aftershocks, nothing major... more like a little rumble.

Warm, humid, lots of patients!

I am sure that this will be an experience that none of us will forget!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Late Bloomers

So here it is, a mere week after hearing about this expedition to Haiti, we are gathering at Summit Surgery Center to depart for Phoenix. My traveling companions are, Lina Carlucci, Amy Prince, Ellena Kirschner, and Dave Kumasaka.
Our plane leaves PHX at 255 P.M. local time and arrives in Charlotte,NC at 845 P.M. We decided to leave Flagstaff by 10 A.M. since it is a 2.5 ish hour drive to PHX with traffic and construction. During the car ride we were working on our Creole' phrases and generally keeping spirits high with talk of the adventure ahead. We arrived at Sky Harbor by 1240 and were on our way! 3 and a half hours later we are in Charlotte!! That is when we found out our plane to Miami was delayed with no arrival time yet. Good thing the Olympics were on.
Our connecting flight arrived in Charlotte at 1210 A.M. we made it to Miami by 330 A.M. Woo-Hoo, Half way to Haiti. A quick 4 hours of sleep and we are ready to finish the travel part of this journey.

Let's do this!!

Derek Bontrager

Friday, February 19, 2010

Travel Day!


I applaud those that got up early this morning to meet at Summit Surgery Center at 6:00am to carpool down to Phoenix! Hopefully someone took some pictures and will post them.

The majority of our group arrived at Sky Harbor just before 9:00am. Group Check-in allows for "special" services as they opened a ticketing/check-in counter just for us! Only one or two pieces of luggage were repacked to consolidate and take advantage of no baggage fees for "medical supplies."

Security Check Point went smoothly... a few members learned how to "Fast Pass"... that is, as we snaked back and forth through the queue, when they came up to a member of the group that was ahead of them, they went under the rope and joined them!

Of course a few required some "extra" attention!

I was only aware of three of our group that needed such attention... however, I am happy to report that everyone was cleared and was able to continue on!

Both legs of our trip, Phoenix to Charlotte and Charlotte to Miami were pretty uneventful. Of course we had to wait for our luggage in Miami...

Luckily, all of our checked bags and crates arrived!

From there we dispersed to two different hotels. We have yet another wave of arrivals still coming in though. Last report was that they are delayed in Charlotte and will not arrive until 3:00 or 4:00 am local-time. Good thing we have a late check-out tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the day we go to Haiti! Currently we are scheduled to depart at 5:45pm local-time. About one and a half hours to Haiti from Miami. Although there has been some concern, as they have recently restarted commercial flights into and out of the Port-Au-Prince airport and delays have been reported.

Please check out the PHOTO'S PAGE, as this is where the majority of the photos will be posted.

The Eve/Morning of our departure to Miami!

Well, it is finally here! A brief meeting tonight to distribute about 300 pounds of medical supplies and equipment that will be added to luggage.

A few members of our group have already left for Phoenix, the bulk of the group will be leaving Flagstaff at 6:30am tomorrow! Most of us will be on the same 11:10am flight to Miami, so it should be a fun flight.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We had our second meeting last night. What a great turnout and what a great mix of people!

We sorted through various medical supplies determining what we were going to bring and what was still needed. These supplies were sorted and distributed to some of the team members to be added to luggage.

A lot of details were discussed and as in any major undertaking, it seams that there are a lot of details that still need to be addressed.

It is now less than 48 hours before the first members of our team depart for Miami! In talking with some of my co-workers that are going, the general feeling is of "nervous-excitement!" We are excited that we are able to go and provide assistance, but a little nervous regarding the conditions and type of work will be asked to do.

If you know of anyone that is interested in donating to help offset our costs, and eventually send needed medical supplies to Haiti, have them contact:

Kelly Reber, DPM
(928) 699-3752
kjreber @ live . com

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Flagstaff In Haiti...


On Monday, February 8th, an email was sent out by Dr. J. "Bull" Durham (Northern Arizona Orthopaedics) announcing an opportunity and a request for volunteers to accompany him to Haiti.

To date, at least 25 people from the Flagstaff area have responded and committed to go to Haiti, to help in anyway that they can! It may end up being a 30 member team... From NAO, Flagstaff Medical Center (FMC), private Physicians, and a variety of other local medical professionals...

Physicians, Nurses, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, X-Ray techs, First Assists, Scrub Techs, and others....

To date, we have had one meeting. We will have another on Tuesday, February 16th. Talk about a scramble! Since the 8th... passports, immunizations, finding coverage for shifts/call status, buying personal items, acquiring supplies/equipment, prescriptions for anti-malarials and antibiotics, assessing needs/wants/possibilities, arranging air travel, hotel, etc. Talk about a "quasi-military" operation!

There will be many things that need to be discussed, done, and accomplished before the February 19th departure date from PHX... there are also many emotions, many thoughts, and many fears that need to be expressed...

This is an open blog! All team members will be able to post... Some will, some will not... Pictures will be posted as possible... Once the team gets to Haiti, it may be impossible to post anything! Just stay tuned, the team will blog and post as able! Just be prepared... this will be raw information! Raw pictures!

All we ask is that you keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers...
