Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Greetings from Haiti!

Well, we made it! It has been very busy for everyone.

Internet access is very limited, so I do not know if we will be able to post much or any pictures till we get back. Hope to get better internet access soon.

Have experienced a few aftershocks, nothing major... more like a little rumble.

Warm, humid, lots of patients!

I am sure that this will be an experience that none of us will forget!

1 comment:

  1. We pray with our girls each night for your safety and successes. Very proud of each of you. You are the best that humanity has to offer. The desire to help others, make a positive difference in other lives is what keeps the world going. Bless you. Bless the work that you are doing.
    bobo, Mapo and the girlz
